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I am constantly being asked about individuals. The only way to win is as a team. Football is not about one or two or three star players. - Pele

Rutland Youth Soccer

RYS Bylaws

Rutland Youth Soccer
Approved June 2021

The purpose of the Rutland Youth Soccer is to encourage and support amateur soccer in Rutland, especially among young people as a means of promoting coordination, physical fitness, and fair play. The purpose of the Board is to oversee a functional soccer program, set policies, dispense funds, and make decisions for the good of the program. Our primary focus in RYS is to educate the children on the merits of sportsmanship, teamwork, and the skills needed to play the sport of soccer. It is our philosophy that each child should have the opportunity to enjoy the sport of soccer and develop good self-esteem while playing the game.

RYS provides Fall soccer related programs. Children of the appropriate age (as indicated in pre-registration publicity) who live or attend school in Rutland are eligible to play. On rare occasions, the Registrar and Player Agent can submit for Board approval, to allow players that are not residents of Rutland to participate in RYS. RYS makes every effort to assign all registrants to a team. Some Fall age groups may be divided into divisions based on ability. All registrants in the Under 5, 6, 8 age groups will be assigned to a team. However, the number of select teams (Under 10 & older age groups) may be limited due to available field space and /or availability of qualified coaches.

Age Groupings
For the Fall playing season, players shall be grouped by age / grade per MAYSL, MAYS and USYSA recommendations, by, utilizing the Mass Youth Soccer’s age group chart available here: For the most up to date age groupings visit the Mass Youth Soccer Page and look for the age groupings for the current season under the Administration Tab.

The Player Agent will ensure that each player should play in the age group appropriate to his or her grade AND birth date cut off listed on the Mass Youth Soccer’s Age Group Chart. Exceptions will only be made at the benefit of RYS and must be approved by the Board in Executive Session and closed to the general public. Executive Session for this purpose can be held in meeting, conference call or email as decided by the Board. Requests must be made in writing (email is considered writing) to the Board no later than July 15 and approved by the League of participation and/or the Player Agent, and the Board in a closed-door meeting. If the player has a parent on the Board, then that parent shall be excused from the process.

Players shall register with RYS and pay registration and participation fees. If the registration date is missed, there is no guarantee of receiving a spot on a team. The Registrar will compile a waitlist and determine if a late request can be accommodated. Players may be required to verify their date of birth with an acceptable form of documentation, such as a birth certificate.

Team Development
Players will be placed on teams via a selection process. The RYS Board will oversee all selection processes. D1 teams will select first, D2 second, and D3 last. If there are multiple teams at the same divisional level, teams will be selected in a round robin, back and forth process. Parent special requests including coaches and carpooling should be taken into consideration but are not a requirement during selection.

Rutland Youth Soccer is a town-based program. Town based programs have geographical boundaries meaning that families that reside in Rutland that want to play town soccer should be registering with RYS. Waiver Requests for U10 (grades 3/4) and older to play in another town must be received in writing no later than July 6 (email is acceptable [email protected]). Waiver requests must clearly state why you want your child to play in another town. Waivers will be reviewed by mid-July and granted at the discretion of the Board. Previous history of playing town soccer in another town does not constitute an automatic waiver approval. Appeals of this decision are available under MAYSL guidelines (Refer to the MAYSL website for that information). If an immediate request for a waiver arises and the entire Board can not be pulled together, the Registrar can call a meeting with the Player Agent and Vice President to review.

Fees for participation and uniforms shall be decided upon by the Board and will be determined and incorporated into the Fiscal Year financial budget approved by the Board at a specified pre-determined meeting. All registration and fees shall be due and payable at registration.

Players who do not register before registration deadlines shall be placed on a time-ordered waitlist. Every attempt will be made to place players in RYS soccer programs, but due to timelines and registration procedures, not all requests will be met. The Player Agent shall determine player placement. Unresolved disputes will be brought to the Board of Directors for vote.

Players are expected to participate in practices and games. Parents are expected to participate by ensuring that their children are on time for, and picked up following practices and games, and that they have their equipment with them. If a player cannot be present for a scheduled game or practice, the coach should be notified in advance. Parents should support the coach, help maintain discipline, and promote good sportsmanship. If problems should arise that cannot be mutually resolved, they shall be brought to the Vice President for resolution with the coach. The Vice President then will inform the Board at the next meeting. If the Vice President deems it necessary, he / she can convene the Board to resolve the situation.

Playing Time
It is our policy that as a member of a team every child must be given the opportunity to play approximately one half of each regulation game during the Fall soccer season.

Players on a team shall wear uniforms selected by the Board. Cutoffs, jams, and visible boxer shorts are not allowed. Sweats, spandex, etc. are only allowed if weather, medical conditions, or league rules dictate their use. No jewelry is permitted. 

Protective Equipment
Each player must wear shin guards or will not be allowed to practice or play. Soccer cleats are recommended for all age levels but are required for U10 and older. 

Ball Size

 Pre-K & K (U6) and U8 (Grades 1/2): Size 3
 U10 (Grades 3/4) and U12 (Grades 5/6): Size 4
 U14 (Grades 7/8) and Older:  Size 5

Playing Periods

Pre-K & K (U6): No Games
 U8 (Grades 1/2): Two 25-minute halves
 U10 (Grades 3/4): Two 25-minute halves
 U12 (Grades 5/6): Two 30-minute halves
 U14 (Grades 7/8): Two 35-minute halves
 U16 (Grades 9/10/11): Two 40-minute halves
 U19 (Grade 12):Two 45-minute halves

Coaching License Fee Reimbursement
In an effort to continuously improve the level and commitment of coaching within the organization, RYS commits to reimburse 100% or up to a maximum of $100, the lesser of the two, to coach's attending and passing Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association approved coach licensing courses. Coaches are required to get approval from the Board prior to attending a course. The Board reserves the right to deny training reimbursement due to budget limitations.

Referee Support
The coaches, players and parents shall provide support to the referees at all times.

Rules of Play
Current FIFA International rules shall govern play with exceptions as noted. If a team is playing in a league, the team shall abide by the constitution and By-Laws of that league as appropriate.

If a player or coach is ejected from the game by a referee, RYS will comply with all league rules that are applicable and at minimum they will not be allowed to play/coach in the next game played by his/her team. This applies to all games, including any championship games. Additional penalties may be assessed as deemed appropriate by the Board and current league affiliation rules. Coaches ejected from a 2nd game will be removed for the season and will not be eligible to coach for RYS in the next season.

Unbecoming Conduct
Player, coach, referee, or parent behavior that is judged unbecoming or inappropriate shall be referred to the Board Vice president in writing for immediate review and action. If the Board concurs, the offender will be suspended for 1 game at a minimum. Additional penalties may be assessed as deemed appropriate by the Board and current league affiliation rules. 

Other Board Policies

  1. The Medical and Liability Release section of the registration should be read and acknowledged by a parent or guardian in order for a child to participate in the program.
  2. No teams or coaches may conduct any private fundraising without prior Board approval.
  3. Players cannot be added or dropped from a roster without the consent of the Player Agent and Registrar.
  4. Following Mass Youth Soccer regulations, it is our policy that in all age groups the team and the coaches will be on one side of the field, while the parents and spectators will be on the opposite side of the field. Spectators shall not sit behind goals at either end of the field.
  5. The Board will review and consider any extraordinary circumstances or situations which arise during the course of the season to maintain fair play and the spirit of the game.
  6. If any player, coach or parent refuses to comply with the rules of RYS or USYSA and its affiliates, they are subject to suspension or expulsion from the RYS program.
  7. No coach, assistant coach, parent volunteers and/or Board member may participate in any activities within RYS without a valid Massachusetts CORI background check.
  8. Refund Policy – Posted on our website
  9. Parents Code of Conduct – Posted on our website
  10. Coaches Code of Conduct – Posted on our website

Contact Us

Rutland Youth Soccer

Rutland, Massachusetts 01543

Email Us: [email protected]
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